About Tai Chi and Qigong

Tai Chi is a martial art that can be practised as a gentle form of exercise for health and relaxation. Suitable for all ages and capabilities, it is based on principles of Chinese medicine more than 2000 years old, and research has found it helps improve balance, co-ordination, posture, and stamina. The simplified 24-step Yang style form, developed in 1956, is the most widely practised Tai Chi form in the world, and is taught at our classes as the introductory form. Students may progress to other forms, including sword and fan forms, as their understanding and ability increases.

Qigong refers to exercises that have been practised and developed in China for over 2000 years. They involve stretching and bending, twisting and turning movements, opening and closing of muscles to increase energy flow, and using acupressure points to balance life energy and promote health and well-being.


About Traditional Chinese Wu Shu

Inaugurated in 1991, Traditional Chinese Wu Shu presents a range of Tai Chi and Qi Gong classes in Glasgow and the surrounding area.

Scotland’s first official members of the British Council for Chinese Martial Arts, TCW teaches a wide range of hand and weapons forms. Our professional instructors are registered with the BCCMA, a Sports Council recognised governing body and the only official regulator for Tai Chi in the U.K.

The club has been privileged to host regular seminars with internationally renowned practitioners of Wu Shu. Professor Li Deyin, Master Wang Yanji, Masters Faye & Tary Yip, and Master Simon Watson have helped to guide the development of our students, three of whom have achieved gold medal-winning status in U.K. and international competition. The club was also the first in the U.K to host masters from the Chinese Health Qigong Association. See our gallery for some of the highlights.

Chief Instructor Derek Daly has a wealth of experience in martial arts, via judo and Shaolin Kung Fu, and has trained with the finest masters in the world in Daoyin, Qigong and Tai Chi.

Professor Li Deyin, one of the world’s foremost authorities on Tai Chi, has created forms especially for the club.


  1. Chief Instructor Derek Daly, with Professor Li Deyin of the Deyin Institute, and Gordon Faulkner, President of the Scotland & Wales Daoyin Yangsheng Gong Association
  2. Senior Instructor Liz McIver with Master Wang Yanji and Richard Watson, Founder of the Longfei Taijiquan Association of Great Britain
  3. Members of the club including British Champions Jack Cumming and Joanne White, with Professor Li Deyin and Master Tary Yip